GolfMeister is a program used to record and analyze golf scores. It keeps statistics on such things as greens in regulation, drives in fairway, eagles, birdies etc. It can also be used to calculate one's handicap and handicap index (slope).
The Handicap and Slope calculations are not certified by any golf authority. They are there merely for your own interest. I have made every effort, however, to ensure that the calculations used are accurate and up to date in accordance with USGA regulations.
GolfMeister also allows you to print out various reports on items entered. It can print a course listing, a round listing (complete and by course) and various copies of the cards entered.
Using it
GolfMeister allows you to keep the scores of more than one person by using a separate document for each person. You create a new document by choosing New from the file menu.
You record scores by first entering the course. Either click on the Add button beside courses or choose Add Course from the Courses menu. You then fill in the appropriate information ( name, ratings, pars, yardages, handicap hole etc.) for the course.
You can now start entering scores for that course. You do this by selecting the course and clicking on the Add button beside Rounds. You can then enter the appropriate information for the round. Be sure to check out the stats for that round by clicking on the triangle control at the bottom left of the screen.
The total strokes for each hole
The total number of putts for each hole
Indicate a drive in the fairway for the hole
After entering information in for courses and rounds, you can try some of the calculations and reports out. Just choose the appropriate menu item to do the calculation or report.
Golfmeister documents consist of course(s) and scores of round(s) played on the course(s).
Closes active window.
Scorecard/ Summary Scorecard/ Course List/ Round Listing based on active window.
Add Course
Adds a course to the document.
Delete Course
Deletes a course and all rounds recorded for that course from the document.
Average Round
Displays a scorecard with the average number of strokes, putts and if >50% of the drives were
in the fairway for each hole of the selected course.
Ringer Round (Lowest)
Displays summary scorecard with the lowest number of strokes, lowest number of putts and most
drives in the fairway for each hole from all scorecards recorded for the selected course.
Ringer Round (Highest)
Displays summary scorecard with the highest number of strokes, highest number of putts and least
drives in the fairway for each hole from all scorecards recorded for the selected course.
Calculate Handicaps (All Scores)
Calculates handicap and handicap index based on USGA criteria for all complete rounds recorded
within a document.
Calculate Statistics (All Scores)
Calculates various statistics (ie. average score, greens in regulation etc.) for all complete rounds
recorded within a document.
Calculate Handicaps (Selected Course)
Calculates handicap and handicap index for all complete rounds recorded for the selected course.
Calculate Statistics (Selected Course)
Calculates various statistics for all complete rounds recorded for the selected course.
Note: This is not an official handicapping tool in that it has not been registered by any handicapping authority.
System Requirements
System 7.0.1 or later
1 MB of free memory
1 MB of disk space
How to Register GolfMeister
GolfMeister is shareware and as such requires registration if you are going to use it beyond the 2 week trial period. The shareware fee for GolfMeister is $20 Cdn or $15US. I can only accept cash or cheques (aka checks) at this time. Please make checks payable to David Smith.
Please send your registrations to:
Barking Spider Software
58 Westhead Road
Etobicoke, Ontario
I can be reached at that address, by phone (416) 255-3719 or by email
Please help me continue to improve this product by registering your copy today. Thanks.
Please feel free to pass this program along to others, just so long as you include all of the files that came with the original package, particularly this Read Me file.
GolfMeister is provided as is. The author, however, makes no warranties, either expressed or implied.
Bug Reports and Comments
Please send bug reports and comments to
I would like to thank Ken Lonsdale and all of my beta testers for their invaluable comments and suggestions.
GolfMeister⌐1995 Barking Spider Software. All rights reserved.